Marc Juanpera Gallel

Marc Juanpera Gallel holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and is a Lecturer in the Department of Management since September 2023. He has specialised in the development and application of quantitative methods (mainly integer and mixed linear programming, heuristic algorithms and multi-criteria methods) to solve problems related to energy access in rural areas and the social food distribution chain. At the educational level, he has studied a degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering and a master's degree in Industrial Engineering at the Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB). He has completed his doctoral studies with the title "Methodology for the evaluation and design of projects considering multiple criteria and uncertainty. Application to the development of energy projects in rural areas". For its realization, he has been awarded a grant for the training of research personnel (FI), granted by the agency AGAUR (until September 2019) and a grant for the training of university professors (FPU), granted by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (until December 2021).