Bruno Domenech Lega

Bruno Domenech Lega is a tenured professor in the Department of Management of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), under the Serra Húnter program of the Generalitat de Catalunya, at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) and the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE). He is a Doctor Industrial Engineer, and Industrial Organization Engineer and Doctor in Industrial Engineering from the UPC. He has held various positions as a researcher and a teacher at UPC and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), as well as at University College Dublin (UCD), co-funded by the Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2013-COFUND program. His research, within the framework of the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering of the UPC, focuses on the application of quantitative methods of operational research to solve logistical problems and industrial organization, with a practical, applied, social and sustainable approach. Specifically, he has researched in the areas of: energy planning, production organization, and supply chain design. He has participated in numerous competitive projects and is the author and co-author of several book chapters and scientific articles published in prestigious journals of the Journal Citations Report (EJOR, RSER, RENE, ESD, IJPDLM, among others).