María del Mar Casanovas Rubio

María del Mar Casanovas Rubio is a lecturer in the Department of Business Organization at the Polytechnic Untiversity of Catalonia (UPC), in the framework of the Serra Húnter program of the Generalitat de Catalunya. She is linked to the Institute of Organization and Control of Industrial Systems (IOC), the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) and the Barcelona School of Building Engineering (EPSEB). She holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the UPC. She has held various research and teaching positions at the UPC, at the International University of Catalonia (UIC) and at Imperial College London.

Her research focuses on the development and implementation of multi-criteria decision support methods for the improvement of decision making and the analysis of environmental, social and economic sustainability in engineering, including the supply chain. He has participated in numerous competitive research projects as well as technology transfer projects with companies and administrations, including: prioritization of the renewal of the drinking water distribution network and hydroelectric channels and prioritization of investments following circular and social economy criteria. She has also participated in and managed development cooperation projects. She is the author of scientific articles published in JCR journals and several book chapters.